Company Overview
White Oryx – International Business Developers.
We specialize in assisting companies based in developed economies to grow their business in and into emerging markets. Headquartered in Dubai (UAE), we are geographically ideally located to cover the Middle East and Indian Subcontinent, but do not restrict our area of operations to this region alone.
Embellishing women – luxuriating rooms - Based on vast previous professional experience and expertise of our team, we are the ideal choice for companies that offer products, which embellish women, or products that add an extra touch of luxury to interiors.
Specialists for Swarovski Crystals - With our founder being a former Managing Director of Swarovski Middle East it is no coincidence that we consider ourselves a specialist for Swarovski Elements and are representing several high-end and high-quality companies that use Swarovski Crystals in their designs.
However we do not limit our activities to the mentioned products alone – based on personal affinity, knowledge of the concerned product or based on an already existing network, we work confidently also with other products delivering to and beyond the expectations of our clients.
We operate according to your requirements as an agent, company representative, importer or distributor.