Privacy Policy
Personal Data Protection
WHITE ORYX will put its best efforts to preserve the confidentiality of any information provided on line by Internet users. All personal information that an Internet user transmits to WHITE ORYX in exchange for the site’s services is subject to the UAE legislation (Law of Dubai n°2 of 2002, Federal Law n°1 of 2006 and Federal Law n°2 of 2006). This legislation allows Internet users to access rectify and delete any personal information by submitting a written notice to the following address:
White Oryx General Trading
P.O. Box 31425, Blue Bay Tower,
Business Bay, Dubai, UAE
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This site as well as all software used in connection with this site may contain confidential information or information protected by existing intellectual property right legislation or any other law. Hence, unless otherwise indicated, intellectual property rights relating to documents contained on the site and to each of the elements created for the site are the exclusive property of WHITE ORYX, given that WHITE ORYX did not grant any license nor any other right except that of consultation to Internet users. In particular, trademarks and other intellectual property rights mentioned on the site are owned by WHITE ORYX.The reproduction of all documents published on this site is authorized solely for personal and private use. All reproductions and all use of photocopies for other purposes are explicitly forbidden. In terms of software, it is forbidden to copy, modify, create a derived work, reverse engineer its conception or assembly – or attempt, in any way, to find the source code (except when this is allowed by law), to sell, to grant, to sublicense, to modify or to transfer the software’s property rights. It is also forbidden to modify the software or to use a modified version of the software, particularly but not exclusively in order to obtain unauthorized access to the service – or to access the website through another interface other than that provided by WHITE ORYX.